Bars and restaurants across the UK and Ireland might want to lure a young audience if they are to make the most of summer, a report released today by ResDiary has found.

The leading international online booking and table management software provider says that while it will be the busiest spell of the year for many venues, it can be a summer sizzling with success if they jump on the enthusiasm of young people in search of day or night time experiences.

The survey – the Ultimate Guide to Summer for Venues – canvassed the opinions of more than 650 diners and operators across the UK and Ireland, and found that while 53% of diners across all age groups tend to go out more for drinks in the summer, the number jumps to 75% for those aged 18-34.

As well as that, the report also found that venues should be singing from their rooftop if they have the space, with 55% of the younger crowd eager to taste the high life on an outdoor roof terrace, closely followed by 49% loving a garden space and 43% looking to cool off by the waterside.

ResDiary CEO Colin Winning said: “Summer continues to be a hotly anticipated time of year for venue operators and diners alike, so it’s important that restaurants can access this vital data to help guide their planning efforts for the season.

“We can see a clear link between warm sunny weather and an increase in consumers’ desire to spend in restaurants and bars, with our findings showing diners are eagerly awaiting summer promotions, exciting new menu items, and the opportunity to eat or drink outside – especially in the 18-34 demographic.

“The survey shows those in the 18-34 bracket in particular love an enticing outdoor space such as a rooftop or patio, so venues lucky enough to be able to offer that experience should be doing all they can to attract customers.

“And while the majority of venues say they start planning for summer in the winter time, it’s still not too late for operators to set themselves up for success. That journey begins with reviewing their existing data from previous years to identify trends in peak times, average group sizes, average spend, and other vital information to steer them in the right direction.”

The survey also found that nearly three-quarters (74%) of restaurants respond to the busiest season of all by changing their menu for the summer, while two-thirds (66%) respond to the increased desire in outdoor dining by taking steps to repurpose existing external space such as rooftops or courtyards.

Furthermore, the report reveals that most venue operators end up seating more walk-in customers in the summer than during any other time of the year.

Colin added: “More than 80% of survey respondents said they host a significantly larger number of walk-in patrons during the summer months and that more favourable weather is often the catalyst for a sizeable increase in traffic. This is important data that should not be overlooked during the lead up to the summer months.

“Taking the necessary steps to strategically plan out promotions, maximise their outdoor space, and ensure staffing levels are adequate will help hospitality operators to capitalise on the golden revenue opportunities expected during the busy summer season ahead.”

To read the full Ultimate Guide to Summer for Venues, visit


Sam Allcock, a seasoned entrepreneur with over two decades of expertise in Food & Drink Editorial.

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